Yet Another Staff Member Assaulted at JCCC
Sometimes, the things that are hard to look at are what the people need to see. Brutal assaults at Jefferson City Correctional Center have been on the rise. The department tends to not report them or to creatively report them as non life-threatening injuries rather than attempted murders. Offenders have beaten, stomped and stabbed officers with little response from administration. The Department tries to keep this information from the public because the truth is disruptive to their corrupt scheme. If people see the reality of the prison system and the dangers to staff, it will be a lot more difficult for central office to rob the people blind and profit on the backs of the officers they throw to the wolves. The latest JCCC Staff assault occurred when a segregation Offender attacked an officer with a homemade weapon. The officer was cut and stabbed leaving him with deep lacerations on his face. This officer will have scars for the rest of his life inside and out. The offender ma...
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