Yet Another Staff Member Assaulted at JCCC

Sometimes, the things that are hard to look at are what the people need to see.

Brutal assaults at Jefferson City Correctional Center have been on the rise. The department tends to not report them or to creatively report them as non life-threatening injuries rather than attempted murders.

Offenders have beaten, stomped and stabbed officers with little response from administration. The Department tries to keep this information from the public because the truth is disruptive to their corrupt scheme. If people see the reality of the prison system and the dangers to staff, it will be a lot more difficult for central office to rob the people blind and profit on the backs of the officers they throw to the wolves.

The latest JCCC Staff assault occurred when a segregation Offender attacked an officer with a homemade weapon. The officer was cut and stabbed leaving him with deep lacerations on his face. This officer will have scars for the rest of his life inside and out.

The offender may receive additional time to his sentence if he is not already serving life. For now though, his life won't change much. His housing, free medical and three meals a day will remain intact, and he will go on with his life as if he had done nothing. Central office will do the same. Corrections administration will still enjoy their bloated paychecks and days off without giving a passing thought to the front line staff working double shifts with no backup walking into the hell their supervisors have created.

This will not be the last assault on staff and, sadly, will not likely be the worst. The department will not take responsibility for the problem they created. It is our job to hold them accountable. All of us who care have a duty to stand up and voice the truth. Share this to send a message to the Missouri Department of Corrections and let them know that the days of turning a blind eye are over.

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  1. Hopefully you asked this officer for permission to use his immage to degrade the department he works for. To blame the acts of a dangerous criminal on the very people who had him secured in a segregation unit is ludicrous. Not that a person defending the "honor" of corrections staff from behind a keyboard would understand that. I will speak for the staff that take pride in what they do every day: We work hard to serve the people of this state well. We show up for work every day knowing what we are getting into. We do not support your obsessed agenda to destroy the very department we serve. YOU do not speak for us. Maybe WE are the minority, but we are the strong and have a sense of pride and self worth that you will never be able to understand. This officers scars are for his own story not yours!

    1. Not sure who you are but........this kind of crap needs to become public knowledge. The department does NOT care about the officers.Maybe when you get a little time will wake up?

    2. I am very thankful my husband is no longer a Corrections Officer! CO's have been telling the administration that things need to change for YEARS! The only thing leadership knows to do is HIDE THE TRUTH! I have to wonder what it will take to open eyes? The Dept of Corrections is in chaos. They cannot get help. Part of the reason they cannot get help is they turned away viable people, myself included, because they couldn't pass they run. I missed it by 3 (three) seconds. Now they are turning to 18 year olds????? It's a joke. I would have to say that 90% of the people giving the tests couldn't pass the run either

    3. Sounds like you know you are part of the problem. I worked there long enough to know more about what's going on than you clearly do. The difference between you and me is I served my time in corrections not being a bitch and a coward. Keep defending your masters.

    4. Completely disagree with you. We are tired of administration hiding assaults from the public. Just recently an officer was attacked due to them being the only wing officer on the housing unit. They are suing the state. They offered the officer a couple millions to quit her job and to NOT speak about it. How much more do you need? They've been sweeping assaults under the rug and letting offenders get away with it.

      Honestly it sounds like you don't work custody. I am thankful for my job, but definitely not thankful for being put on the back burner like we don't matter.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I worked In corrections 22 years, I paid my dues I started as a COI, then a COII, you can defend your pathetic administration all you wasn't but the MO Dept of Corrections has gone to hell in a handbasket. they are running off all the senior officers and hiring these punk ass kids that are trying to be super cops just because they have a badge ..what grown ass man or woman is going to take orders from some 18 or 19 year old that is still wet behind the ears...less training, but expected to do the same job?? Low pay...yes I stayed because it paid my bills, yes I loved what I did but I treated everyone with respect because I was taught at an early age RESPECT is earned not given, just because you have that badge..yes I was on e-squad for 6 years so I know what its like to go in and search and protect our brothers and CORRECTIONSOFFICERMO believe what you want but take ownership that there is a problem in DOC and the fact that they (admin) try to lessen what really is happening...SHAME ON THEM...they need to fix the problems not make more....don't we wish LOMBARDI was back in office they say it couldn't be worse how wrong were they!

  4. I worked 26 years as a Correctional officer. The worst thing that wares the heaviest on my mind was complacency. With several hundred hours and experiences the most important thing was to remember to watch those hands. Many times officers would allow Inmates to walk behind them without paying attention. New officers need older officers to notice and remind officers of bad lax behaviors. Sure the pay is lousy and many non-custody supervisors have no clue what really is needed to work as a correctional officer. Take a concerned word or two, look after each others backs instead of being a back stabber for that permotion.
    Safely getting through another shift and going home is what the job is all about .

  5. Nome of ya know what the he'll is really going on. For starters why do the inmates need to act out this way. They are people and there's a reason this keeps happening. That's the truth not being told and being overlooked. We are not animals. We are caged like we are so the more you treat us like animals naturally we're going to act like one. Inmates don't just attack guards for no reason. Because that would mean they are insane and why we putting mental ill patients in prison. Cheap housing I assume. Keep over crowding prisons, taking what little things we have, keep taunting us, having your little b.s. power trips cause one day you slip and get got. Act like a grown person show respect, earn respect. Ask some these older c.o.. The real reason is overlooked and forgotten. INMATES ARE HUMAN

    1. Wish hats off to the guards who do show up to work and you know who you are and much appericated.

  6. As a former. Covict I have to say there definitely was a reason this officer got shanked.respect is everything.convicts don't have much.much at all.we don't like what little we have taken from us.are shit pillaged through and tore up.we are human too but treated like straight dogs.if you create a monster,then don't get butthurt when the monster has enough and turns on you.we may have broke the law but remember we are paying for it.and behind these bars paying dearly!!!remember you getting go home at night.your really in the inmates house.respect is earned.quit taking from us and they will allow you to go home to your families.

    1. Rynac ur crime was ur choice not the Officers respect yes to be babied f%#k NO

  7. Correcrionsofficermo why did you delete your post? Why isn't it the inmates fault? They keep getting everything taken away from them smoking, rec when there's not enough staff, The new tablets they're getting, they have to turn in all their tapes, CDs, layers. This is even if they don't take a tablet. It doesn't help that the new COs don't know how to talk to them. They have had enough and are lashing out. I bet this wasn't even meant for this CO but he was the one that happened to be escorting the inmate at the time.

    1. Did I read this correctly? Prisoners have computer tablets? SMH

    2. You certainly did read it right, and that's a good thing for them to be able to prepare themselves for this world when they get out. Believe me it's not free

  8. ask any of the older officer about the only shooting in the history of Missouri Dept. of Corrections where another officer was shot by one of his own and see how many of them actually know of it , it happened in 2004 and I will even give you one more it happened in Licking Mo. , now that is something that got swept under the rug wouldn't you say !!!!! no one new about it even after Mrs. Jennie Riddle was informed about it still nothing done even after MOCA was informed about it nothing was done so don't go talking about how great the administration of DOC and how great they are , its all about business and Money They have to follow guidelines to get federal backing which is also a joke !!!!!! COI COII COIII are some of the lowest paid people in corrections in the state not only in the state but in the USA !!!!

  9. My son is a CO in a NYS MAX Prison. He’s got just under 2 years on the job. Last week,while taking a prisoner from his cell to the shower he was punched in the face by the inmate. My son,after getting his bearings back, saw the inmate was squaring off to hit him again. Luckily my son hit him before he did,knocking the inmate to the ground and busting up his mouth. While holding down the inmate back up officers arrived and used pepper spray to get the inmate to stop fighting and comply. When the inmate was asked why he hit the officer, he replied because he was a white boy and I like to fight white boys. My point in telling this is to show that sometimes the officer does not get assaulted for ‘a reason’. Sometimes the inmates are just nuts. Thank God the inmate only hit him with his fist and not a razor or something. My question is why wasn’t the inmate re-arrested and charged with assault on a law enforcement officer? If someone were to punch an off duty CO in the face out side of the walls he would be locked up.
    You guys have my total respect for the job you do. Most people have no idea what you have to deal with on an everyday basis. Be safe.

  10. I don't & didn't work for MO Corrections, but it's the same in AZ. The complex I worked for 17 years always ran short staffed & they compensated by utilizing COIIIs & operations. So now, instead of assisting the inmates with their issues, the COIII stands around in a chow hall (which was 2 staff for 50 inmates) for most of their day. Operations staff can't deliver the inmates necessities if they're doing the same. Lt. & above sits on their backsides in admin, peering out the windows barking orders instead of helping out on the yard. Mind you, even with the additional staff, the yard is still running short. Now that the end of the week is here & the inmates haven't gotten what admin says they can have, they strike out at the only people available. When does it stop? When we're all dead? I was told early in my career, you're a dime a dozen, if we need more, we'll just recruit more at a lower pay. That was a statement from a Deputy Warden. There are very few administration that truly care about their subordinates & they catch heck from other admin who don't. I wasn't ever assaulted in my career, but I didn't give in to the inmates either. I treated them like human beings, with respect & I earned their respect. I wrote my share of tickets, searched & made them accountable. Inmates act out for many different reasons, sometimes it's unprovoked, but a good percentage of the time, it's because of a staff member's behavior towards them. I calmed many a situation between staff & inmates in my years & was glad that all staff went home unharmed. I was a woman in a man's world (including the inmates). It's tougher than most think, because when you earn the respect from inmates & they have only good things to say about you, then staff get it in their heads that you're dirty. When I promoted to COIII, I taught inmate classes & always had a full roster, because inmates requested to be in my classes. Unlike my coworkers, I gave the inmates the books for the classes & gave them homework with time frames for completion. Treat others the way you want to be treated & the rest will fall into place. I pray you all stay safe out there & watch each other's backs, even if you don't like the other person. Let everyone go home safe.

    1. Get jobs your qualified to do!
      Choose a tralireal career that is within your ability to perform! Stop blaming others for your action or lack of !

  11. A Receptionist takes a job knowing they have to answer phone calls and greet people. Not everyone they communicate with is going to be friendly. They know this.
    A Doctor knows that when yrratitrsick or injured people, the odds of exposure or getting a little poo or blood on part of job.
    A vetinarian knows when handling animals , they might get bit.
    A waiter knows they may not get a tip and their back and feet will hurt after angry customer throws food at them!
    Football player knows he gonna get tackled, might hit their head or paralyzed!
    A teacher knows the kids may refuse to absorb the information, may bully kids at school or defy staff.
    A fireman knows every job is risking their life.
    A cop knows every day you have to have faith and hope!
    Point is, every single job and career poses risks, even when there are process and procedures. Prisons and jails are and always have been significantly rough jobs that isn't for just anyone! Special types of people are capable of doing this job without error.
    All said, I personally feel the injured officer should have been more honest with the employer and themselves when applying for a job that is beyond their experience, expertise and skills.
    Process and procedures only work with qualifoqu employees performing them! I am sorry and have empathy for the pain and surfsuffethoa person has gone through, but, hopefully they will re evaluate their own career direction, and not be butt hurt if they get fired because their lack of ability to do the job causes their own injuries.

    1. A. There is a 100 percent chance you are or were an inmate.

      B. I think you should have some sympathy for me because I've developed a learning disability from reading your poorly written, grammatically challenged ignorant nonsense.

      C. Your comment contradicts your supposed sympathy and compassion. In fact, you contradict yourself. You suggest that staff members only get hurt because it's a dangerous place and it's unavoidable. However, you also take the time to insult an officer who was assaulted, saying that it was his fault because he can't do his job. You are an idiot and an asshole trying to sound smart and edgy on the internet, while actually showing your complete and unfathomable ignorance.

    2. But yet smart enough to catch your eye and worth your time. That would of also made you a bully. Trying to prey on people with a lower IQ. You just got schooled by this formal Cameron inmate, who is intelligent enough to own my own business. This guy here is the reason guards are attacked. Prime example. Don't learn by mistakes of an idiot c.o. like this. And if you work beside this guy who commented last I feel sorry for you. Hey bully c.o. you not nothing. Bet you can't come bully me now that I'm in the free world. Wanna try?


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