Taking a close look at the reality of the Department of Corrections and the prison system. The public doesn't know what it's really like behind the walls, but this site changes that.
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Sometimes, the things that are hard to look at are what the people need to see. Brutal assaults at Jefferson City Correctional Center have been on the rise. The department tends to not report them or to creatively report them as non life-threatening injuries rather than attempted murders. Offenders have beaten, stomped and stabbed officers with little response from administration. The Department tries to keep this information from the public because the truth is disruptive to their corrupt scheme. If people see the reality of the prison system and the dangers to staff, it will be a lot more difficult for central office to rob the people blind and profit on the backs of the officers they throw to the wolves. The latest JCCC Staff assault occurred when a segregation Offender attacked an officer with a homemade weapon. The officer was cut and stabbed leaving him with deep lacerations on his face. This officer will have scars for the rest of his life inside and out. The offender ma...
It is a fact that the quality of your employees is directly connected to how they are treated by management. If an employee is treated as though they are valued and respected, they will give the most to their job. In terms of staff retention, the key is so simple that it's honestly a bit confusing how so many managers don't understand it. The key to keeping your staff is to give them a job they don't want to leave. Sounds simple right? Well, it's taken many years for employers to realize this concept. What it comes down to is the way we look at the relationship between employer and employee. Should an employee be thankful for having a job that puts food on the table? Of course, but should the employer be equally thankful to the staff for the work they do? Again, this sounds like an easy yes, but employers often miss this part of the equation. When thinking of this particular error in management, I am reminded of an Officer who left the Missouri Department of Corr...
We have discussed the Missouri Department of Corrections quite a bit, and will continue to do so while it implodes. The problems facing MODOC are many. Chief among them, in terms of sustainability is the critical staff shortage in Missouri Prisons. The fact is that there will be blood and violence in the Missouri Prison system sooner rather than later. While the institutions are stocking up on riot gear and preparing for the disturbances to come, staff numbers are too low to perform even normal daily operations. The staff shortage is a crisis. But more interesting than the high turnover of officers is the pattern of who is leaving. Correction Officer's Prayer Brushed Steel Dog Tag What we see more and more is that it is not the new officers that are turning in their badge. It is the veteran staff who have served for years that are choosing to hang it up. In a time of impending unrest in the prisons, when experienced officers are needed most, the institutions are being left ...
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