Addicted to Failure: Why Corrections Won't Change

We have talked a lot about the problems in the correctional system in this country. We have discussed administrative failures, criminal cover-ups, harassment and discrimination. We have talked about everything except for the elephant in the room. Now it's time to get into the dirty truth no one wants to discuss. It's time to lay down some unpopular truth.

Tough Love Time

The reason Corrections is getting worse not better is not because of administration. It is not because of government corruption. It is not because of the criminals in the cells or the criminals in the offices. Corrections won't change for the better because of the staff. Out of all of the people who have read and shared the posts tearing apart the department, a large portion are a part of the problem.

To understand, we need to step into science class. Newton's first Law of Motion states that "Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it." Now let's apply this to the evolution of Corrections. When corruption and greed became the center piece of Corrections Administration, the department shifted away from public and staff safety. When administrative greed became the focal point of the department, it paved the road for the direction the department would take. Going back to Newton, we know that the only way to change this direction is with the application of a force working against it.

This is where it all falls apart. Let's say you work in a facility with 200 officers. Maybe three of them will stand up to an unjust system, while the rest are happy to complain but quick to toe the line. Throughout history, employees of soulless corporations have forced change through action, through protest and civil disobedience, not Corrections though. Standing up is hard without a backbone, and a spine is not something corrections looks for in new hires. Understand that Administration gets away with everything it does solely because not enough people are willing to stop them. Hitler rose to power not because he had might but because the masses let him.

Those who complain about corrections while still working for them and not speaking up have blood on their hands. If you can recognize what's wrong but choose to not stand for what's right, you have chosen a side. There is no neutrality in good and evil. By not standing against greed and corruption, you lend your support to it. When it comes to the endangered lives of your corrections brothers and sisters, remember what Martin Luther King Jr. said: "There comes a time when silence is betrayal."

Corrections voices exists to provide a forum for those who want to speak up and no longer allow the machine to go unchecked. Some have reached out and shared their stories to shine light on corrections. Many have shared posts and spread information to help educate the public and support staff who feel abandoned. One person recently made contact saying: "Retired after 33 years. Have lots to say but no one will ask." When asked what he would like to share with our readers, his response was: "forget it. It won't change anything." This my friends is exactly why Corrections won't change. While people are seemingly addicted to negativity and complaining, when it comes to speaking up in a meaningful way, they can't be bothered. Silence is the tool of the oppressor and the voice of the oppressed is the fuel of rebellion. Nothing will change for those unwilling to speak.

"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
-Martin Luther King Jr.


  1. Amen!
    I had been speaking out since 2005, for myself and others.
    I watched great workers try to stand up for themselves and I was by there side.
    I watched as "the good ol' boys" ganged up to "get out bad blood". Considering Mo is a "fire at will" state no matter how much evidence you had to prove your innocents the old verbiage was used . . being involved with an inmate or bringing in drugs.
    A clerical having major health issues was given extra work to punish her. If another clerical staff was that sick the other clerical would gather and help keep up the work. But this clerical was not given a chance. She was harassed by other staff. She was degraded in front of staff and inmates.
    I helped this clerical fill out her leave slips. Instead of combining days, she was ordered to fill out a slip for each day.
    Within weeks if finding out the reason she was in the hospital with internal injuries was because she was dating the Major of that prison and he stomped her with his work boots. They stapled her insides together.
    They moved him and his shame to another prison. They accused the clerical of stealing money by getting paid for the time she took off for all the surgeries she had to have.
    After 16 years of service she was fired. I told my supervisor this was wrong and I knew she turned in all leave slips because I helped her and was in the room when she turned them in.
    My supervisor told me it was a done deal and I needed to shut up.
    The players in that ONE incident were rewarded by promotions and raises.
    This is just one of many examples. I have many stories and one day I will be allowed to tell them.
    From the director to the mail clerk to food service and beyond is "do as I say not as I do" holds true.
    My supervisor earned a lunch and a transfer to a higher paying position for getting "the trouble maker out".
    There are many people saying a lot. But not to anyone who will do anything to help.
    The threats are real. People need their jobs so they shut up. No one wants to be "the next target".
    The NEW director is not in her position to help. She is to better hide and sweetly explain to keep DOC out of sight.
    There is a lot of evil within.
    Sad . . very sad.


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