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  1. DOC . . Management
    Two faced and cruel
    I have had many supervisors in my 20 years with this department. Some were really great. I miss them cause most saw what was coming. The rest of the snakes are still around and protected. I have to throw out the "example" that started this blog for me. The food service manager at Tipton is a two faced that will throw you under the bus. He talks to you to get you to talking. Demeaning everyone at central office. Bitching more than anyone for being essential staff. Yet he places the burden of having to work on others. Truly he is protected by the same people he puts down. He treats his staff like dogs. He knows enough policy to worm around the rules. He lives on that fine line and crosses but it can't be proven. He has sexually harassed with his inmate workers present. He demeans the staff with inmates and staff witnessing his actions. His family, who are inmates, are fed very well when they arrive at TCC. He talks wardens to allow special treatment yet to him they are dumb asses.
    He is severely corrupt and it is well known.
    This is just ONE. There are many. Wardens love the corrupt staff who are willing to do what is asked of them to get rid of good staff. Sad this is just one of many that cause life altering, disgusting acts yet they are sheltered so they can continue for the Wardens.
    What a nasty, scared and evil little man.


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